About the Foundation

Dzimega Prostate Foundation (DPF) is a non-profit charity organisation which aims to create prostate cancer awareness, promote early detection and provide support for those affected by the disease. Dzimega Prostate Foundation, was established under the leadership of Doris Akua Dzimega and her dedicated executives comprising mainly lay people and some medical professional having lost the father to prostate cancer. The Dzimega Prostate Foundation’s mission is to eradicate prostate cancer as a life-threatening disease by collaborating with organizations who share the goals of prostate cancer prevention, early detection and support of men living with the disease. In Ghana, the disease is on the ascendancy and lack of education renders most men ignorant of the disease. The Foundation is here to help you quickly learn about the prostate gland, cancer of the prostate, prostate cancer treatment and treatment side effects vis a vis educate people interested Prostate cancer is curable if detected early. Dzimega Prostate Foundation (DPF) hopes that by raising awareness of prostate cancer and encouraging men to go for screening regularly, early detection will enhance the changes of survival for patients. We hope to work towards achieving our objectives and our mission to eradicate prostate cancer as a life-threatening disease, thanks to support from corporate sponsors and well-wishers.


Eradicate prostate cancer as a life-threatening disease by collaborating with organizations who share the goals of prostate cancer prevention, early detection and support of men living with the disease. We accomplish this goal by: Working with others to create awareness (education) on prostate cancer highlighting the risk factors, prevention and treatment available Encouraging screening for early detection to improve treatment effectiveness, Provide financial support for patients through fundraising for treatment at early stages and for recovery. Formation of prostate cancer advocacy groups on social media, in universities and colleges etc To achieve a near zero prostate cancer cases in Ghana in the next 5 to 10 years.

Service Overview

The Dzimega Prostate Foundation aims to: increase awareness of and knowledge on prostate cancer and issues related to it to all sectors of the community; promote early detection and treatment; provide support to those affected by prostate cancer; work closely with various prostate cancer related groups and organizations to complement and optimize efforts to eradicate prostate cancer as a life threatening disease.

We offer a number of resources: Seminars/Symposia, Counselling Programme, Support Programmes, DPF Education and Empowerment Programmes (DEEP),Other Events and Activities.

Our Logo and Colours

A Man in “Heart in Hand”. Heart in hand is a symbol of a heart in two open palms, and is symbolic of charity, giving from the heart. It also signifies the show of love and support to a man with prostate cancer. BLUE is a colour that portrays Honesty, Trust, Responsibility and Loyalty. It’s a colour that induces Peace and Calmness. ORANGE is a warm and vibrant colour. It’s a colour that vitalizes and inspires. The psychology behind the combination of these two colours is therapeutic to the mind and body.


In pursuit of our vision and mission we shall be guided by these fundamental core values: Compassion Excellence Care Honesty


Seminars/Symposia Counselling Programme Support Programmes DPF Education and Empowerment Programmes (DEEP) Other Events and Activities


A recognized first class prostate cancer support Foundation