Risk Factors

Age over 65

This is the main risk factor for prostate cancer. The older a man gets, the more likely he will develop prostate cancer. This disease is rare in men under 45 years of age.

Family History

One’s risk of prostate cancer is higher if you have a father, brother or son with prostate cancer.


Prostate cancer is more common among African American men and less common among Asian/Pacific islanders, Native American and native Alaskan men. Certain Prostate Changes- Men with cells called high grade prostatic intraepithelial neoplasia (PIN) may be at increased risk for prostate cancer.

Certain Genome Changes

Research suggests that the risk for prostate cancer may be linked to specific changes on particular chromosomes. Having a risk factor does not mean that one will develop prostate cancer. Most men with any of the above risk factors will still never develop this disease.